We start next to the Colosseum, on one of the mythical seven hills of Rome, the Caelium. Few know that in the shade of this world-famous amphitheatre we can find true jewels of art ignored by the mass of tourists, and which richly deserve our attention. Easy to reach, far from the madding crowds, and ready to reveal themselves in their all beauty.
We will start the tour with the viewing of one of the oldest churches of Rome, which remains in a league of its own, Santo Stefano Rotondo. Inside this suggestive work of architecture, with its circular plan, we find artworks spanning from the medieval age to the 18th Century, standouts which include the splendid cycle of frescos representing – in vivid and stomach-wrenchingly gory detail – the infinite varieties of torture inflicted upon the first Christian martyrs.
However the Celium’s treasures do not stop here: it is possible to integrate the tour with a visit to the Oratorio di San Silvestro, to the Santi Quattro Coronati or with a visit to the Basilica di San Clemente. Write to me for further information!
P.IVA 13854151001